If you are divorcing in New Jersey, you may not want or feel the need to go to court. In situations such as this, mediation may be the right option for you and your family. At Weinberg & Cooper, LLC, we often assist clients reach a settlement agreement and finalize a divorce without stepping foot in a courtroom.
Divorce Magazine reports that even once both parties reach an agreement in mediation, there is still a lot to do. For some partners, the desire to dissolve the marriage is mutual. In such cases, the mediation portion of the process can progress quickly. Freely disclosing all income, assets, debts and expenses helps move the proceedings along. Once you come to an agreement about child and spousal support as well as equitable property division, the mediator can prepare the necessary forms for your review.
Mediators, by their very nature, are neutral third parties. Their participation helps keep the settlement fair and equitable. However, having an attorney review the initial arrangements can help ensure you understand the full ramifications of your decisions. Choose a family lawyer who advocates for you and is not interested in going to court instead of working with the mediator.
Review the financial agreement with an accountant familiar with tax and family law issues. He or she can explain how the spousal support, any joint property and tax filing status can affect you financially going forward. There may be concerns that you must address after the initial agreements. After making any changes needed, the mediator can file the final forms and provide copies for your records.
By using mediation for your divorce, no court appearance is necessary. You can protect your privacy while avoiding the stress and cost of a courtroom battle. Visit our webpage for more information on this topic.