If you have children involved in your divorce, it is highly likely that you will end up in a co-parenting situation with your ex-spouse. In a typical co-parenting situation, the children move between both households at regular intervals.
However, some families are deciding that this arrangement is not best for them. In some cases, ex-couples are choosing to move forward with “nesting.” According to Psychology Today, nesting is when the kids stay in one home and the parents are the ones who rotate out according to the custody schedule.
What are the advantages of nesting?
Particularly if the kids are young, nesting is one way to ensure that life stays as steady as possible for them. Additionally, younger kids tend to come with large amounts of paraphernalia, and having the kids stay in one primary residence removes the likelihood that the child will forget a beloved toy or pertinent medication at the other parent’s house.
Nesting can also save a lot of money in certain situations. Instead of maintaining two separate households, the ex-couple is only maintaining one. In some situations, parents may choose to live with friends or family members when they are not “on duty” at the parental residence.
What else should I know?
Generally speaking, nesting is a semi-permanent solution. It is likely that one or both parents is going to want to set up their own independent living situation at some point. Usually, nesting lasts for a few years at most. However, it can be a good way to ensure that your child’s life stays as stable as possible through your divorce and beyond.