During divorce, the parents often need to discuss issues concerning their child, such as visitation arrangements. It can be essential because an appropriate visitation schedule may help the child maintain a healthy relationship with the non-custodial parent. However,...
Child Custody
Do I need to file a motion to modify my divorce order?
It is typical to modify a divorce decree or order if appropriate, depending on the circumstances. However, most adjustments will require you to file a motion with the court that provided your initial divorce order. It might also be necessary when making other requests...
Positive coparenting and its impact on child development
Coparenting is when divorced or separated couples work together toward a common goal – raising their child. As ironic as it sounds, the process requires collaboration from parents who are trying to break apart from each other’s lives. With their child’s development on...
What is parenting time interference?
Life after divorce can come with various challenges, including issues concerning your parenting time arrangements. Ideally, you and your former spouse can collaborate and seamlessly adjust your schedules to accommodate parenting time requirements. Unfortunately,...
How to cope with your child’s divorce-related anger
Although a divorce can be complicated and stressful for you, it can be life-shattering for your children. At least, that’s how they’ll likely view it, even if you carefully break the news of divorce to your children. As a result, your kids might exhibit a variety of...
The power of an involved father
In far too many instances, fathers are pushed to the side and ignored in custody cases. The law doesn’t support this, as it’s gender-neutral on its face. Yet, in a lot of cases, there’s an unspoken presumption that a child is better off with their mother. That may not...
Domestic violence and your kids
There are a lot of considerations that go into a child custody determination. Among them are the child’s relationship with each parent, each parent’s physical and mental health, and any potential exposure to parental substance abuse. Any one of these characteristics...
Filing a non-dissolution action for child custody
Being a parent is not all glitz and glam. While it is a rewarding role and experience, parenting often means making difficult and emotional decisions. Parenting with the other parent is not always easy, especially when the relationship failed. As such, child custody...
Custody and the best interest of the child
When parents divorce, they will need to have a custody arrangement in place for their children. In New Jersey, there is a process they must follow to do this. Child custody process The process beings when one parent files a complaint for custody with the court. The...
Address parental alienation in your child custody case
In far too many divorce cases, custody disputes are more about power than anything else. This is problematic because it forces your child’s best interests to take a backseat. Although the court should see right through these powerplays and issue a custody order that...